Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.

While many forms exist, the three most common types of human trafficking include sex trafficking, forced labor and debt bondage.

To date, there are estimated to be more than 27.6 million people (adults and children) subjected to human trafficking around the world, and 63% of those are women who are sold for exploitation.

With over 25% of the country in poverty, Friends of Hope International has made this cause a priority in Dominican Republic, as a vast majority of those we encounter in our outreach efforts there and in neighboring countries, are at a higher risk of being victimized.

We are actively seeking partners in our mission to educate those who are unaware of this viral human rights atrocity. A fervent approach to sounding the alarm on the exploitation of adults and children, as well as enhancing our efforts to address root causes, are goals that have been revised to acknowledge and address the global trend of increasing ineffectiveness.

Donations are being allocated to comprehensive health care, prevention education and psychological assistance, as well as the augmented awareness of male victims of human trafficking, for which services in many countries remain inadequate.

We thank you for being with us on this journey for good.


To donate by check, please make checks payable to “Friends of Hope” and send to:

Friends of Hope

P.O. Box #751 Simpsonville, SC 29681-9998

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